Monday, February 1, 2010


A bottom line reaction to Hillary Clinton's speech at the 2008 DNC CONVENTION IN DENVER:
Good, but not very good, especially for Barack Obama. Even better, if things should turn out like they might and have for Hillary Clinton in 2012.

Hillary Clinton's speech at the DNC Convention in 2008 was carefully tailored, like the very attractive orange pantsuit she wore. It was tailored to her need to speak directly to those who supported her, especially those unreconciled to Obama's nomination also known as Clintonites as well as The Democratic base. 18 Million voted for Hillary Clinton in 2008 which is a reputable History making event. This was more votes than any presidential primary candidate of any party has ever received. The speech was laden with references to feminist advances. The Seneca Falls conference of 1848 got hearty applause, the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment was duly noted, Harriet Tubman was cited as advice to all (keep going). She saluted thereby her own persistence through the primaries and noted that America does not like a quitter. Putting those Obamacans who kept urging her to get out of the race into their place. The main attribute of this speech was that it kept her voters seperate from Obamas. It definately asked for their support for candidate Obama, but never relinguished Hillary or Bill Clinton's legacy to Obama. Hillary while asking her voters to support Obama, didn't mince words or dare to suggest that she had lost fairly because she didn't and wasn't going to give in and say she had. Hillary kept her base at bay and on the Clinton roll call. As well many of the women at the convention and out in America who were heartsick over Clinton's defeat are women like Hillary who made choices over and over again to do things they were told growing up they shouldn't do (live with a man before marriage, work outside the home after having children). These women won't forgive easily and not until Hillary - not just any woman is justified as a commander and chief. Hillary was experienced, qualified, and got the most votes, but was denied the chance to be president and the women of America were outraged... but not enough to say ANY woman deserved to be in office... (this was proven in the loss of the McCain Campaign's attempt to slide an unexperienced polarizing opposite of Hillary woman in as a Vice Presidential candidate to aquire the women's vote - the women didn't give in - they didn't support just any woman - they support THAT WOMAN). In fact most of Hillary's 18 Million voters are those that have been treated badly by society in one way or another and sympathize with Hillary for the way she herself has been treated over her years in public office. At her Denver speech Hillary Clinton addressed their grievances and gave them visibility and legitimacy, but what was missing was much in the way of description of Barack Obama. What kind of man is he? One who supports the same positions she does or just claims to - only time would tell. Has she looked deep into his heart and found something worthy - No evidence that she had. Would he be a good commander-in-chief - Nope not a word on that either, as the McCain campaign quickly and gleefully noted. However Hillary Clinton can tell Obamacans that she made the case for Obama and brought the convention cheering to its feet. She can say that she told her supporters in the most explicit language possible to work hard for his election. She can make this claim rather she meant it or not and expect support from the Democratic party for her next presidential run, but probably the most important thing that came out of the 2008 primary election is: Hillary doesn't necessarily need the Democratic Party's approval or support. 18 Million Americans have already given Hillary Clinton their approval and support. 18 Million invisible people who remain invisible to this day despite Barack Obama's promise to repect, help, and make their lives better. Those 18 Million are a dedicated batch of dependable voters, unlike the Obama voters which were mainly first time, young, and inexperienced voters. Hillary's 18 Million are still tuned in, still paying attention, and ready to start the next campaign on Hillary's first breath of "LET THE CONVERSATION CONTINUE". The Obama voters who did stay tuned in and paying attention have watched The "Greatest Man on Earth" fall to reality, fail in his promises, neglect their wishes, and most importantly prove that Hillary Clinton's numerous critiques of him were 100% accurate, leaving the Obamacans with a bitter taste in their mouth and aligning them with the one who was right on day one - the one who can say "I told you so". The now Victim of the evil and unfair Democratic Party -
Hillary Clinton does not need the Democratic party for her next presidential run - Hillary Clinton is The Democratic party. She and of coarse her husband (the only 2 term Democratic President living.)

The big question "Will Hillary Clinton ever run again?" - Well it was Hillary herself who said "Keep Going" and never stop in her Denver speech. But probably the most notable indication that she has no intentions of giving up her presidential dream can be found in the wording used in her exit speech given at the end of her history making run for the Whitehouse-
"Although we weren't able to shatter that highest hardest glass ceiling THIS TIME - thanks to you it's got about 18 million cracks in it and THE LIGHT IS SHINING THRU LIKE NEVER BEFORE - filling us all with the hope and SURE KNOWLEDGE that THE PATH WILL BE A LITTLE EASIER NEXT TIME..."

Now anyone who understands Hillary Clinton and understands Clintonian can easily read between those lines - there is little to NO DOUBT that Hillary Clinton was not and is not done with her Presidential ambitions.
Hillary Clinton for President in 2012?


  1. I just donated to her campaign today. If it is expire her debt or if it used for her run for 2012. I humbly ask you Secretary Clinton are you ready to compete. We pray and hope so. I hope the Democratic party is listening because this effects you in 2010.

  2. Obama - One and done!

    HRC 2012!

  3. Learn to spell "won" anonymous...lord.

    Hillary would make a great POTUS..and he didn't "win" She got more votes than he did and the DNC broke it's OWN rules to hand him the nomination. Screwing eighteen million voters is not something to be proud of and "done" Please read the DNC handbook before commenting on politics or praising a theifs actions. My goodness. I hope she runs and if she does she will win this time FAIR AND SQUARE unlike others.

  4. I believe anonymous #1 meant one - as in one term (hopefully)!
